New Member Program
We strive to bring women into our Sisterhood who are going to be leaders, contributors and a Sister in every sense of the word. Real Merit and Worth: The New Member Program was designed with this in mind – enhancing leadership skills, setting goals, understanding who Alpha Xi Delta is at her core and providing opportunities for our newest members to create deep, meaningful relationships with each other, the chapter and our national organization. When you join Alpha Xi Delta, you will grow in your talents and strengths, all with the support of your Sisters.
So, what makes Delta Kappa so great?
Sisterhood is a very serious thing. We love our sisters, and we definitely love to have fun! But becoming a sister of Alpha Xi Delta means so much more to us than just T-shirts, letters, and throwing what we know. Becoming a sister is something surreal - something that doesn't just happen overnight. We aren't just a social club. Alpha Xi Delta is affecting our lives in so many ways. We are grateful for the opportunities that we have been blessed with and the bonds that we all share.